Nothing Gold Can Stay


- OCTOBER 2022

I chose Robert Frost’s poem Nothing Gold Can Stay to create a storyboard project. The poem is beautiful yet conceives sadness and helplessness. This is my first time to use a tactile approach to present a topic. The experience is demanding but fun.



Frost wrote this poem when he was 48. He used the metaphor of spring's ending to examine the transience of youth, beauty, and ultimately life itself. After I conducted research of this poem, I felt a sense of helplessness of the real world. Therefore, I set the overall design look in a muted tone to align with the sense of sadness. Haziness is another keyword I worked on to emphasize the idea that most of the time our life is unknown. As humans we are vulnerable to change and control. Nothing we can make is sure. Nothing we can hold.


I used a tactile approach to present the visual because I believe this is the most efficient way to present the realness of the world and capture the nuance of the details of the organic world. I used flowers and some prisms as my main tools to organize my storytelling.

Mood board

Free writing


Poem | Nothing Gold can Stay by Robert Frost

Design Boards


Photography: Li-Yu Chen
Compositing: Li-Yu Chen